"Front Tuck, Say What?"

You might have heard from us at Birch & Bell say "That would be cute front tucked!" or seen some of our recent content showing tops being tucked but only in the front. Front tucks are very trendy right now! A front tuck helps break up the length of the shirt, show off high waisted jeans or unique jean detailing, gives a cascading look to the sides of your shirt, and gives your outfit a more refined/"I put myself together today" look. 

A front tuck is a very simple styling trick that anyone can do! All you have to do is tuck in a small portion of the front of your shirt. The amount of your tucked in shirt should reveal two belt loops on either side of your pants. Some people shy away from the front tuck because "it doesn't look right" but sometimes all you have to do is play around with your shirt to get it to lie in the specific way you want! 

You can front tuck just about anything as well! We love to front tuck sweaters such as the Frankie Star Sweater and tops like the Rylee Short Sleeve Collard Top. You don't even have to front tuck your shirt into jeans either! You can front tuck into a skirt just like our Kat Skirt

There is so much that you can front tuck and if you ever need help putting together an outfit that you would LOVE to front tuck; our staff would adore helping you! You can also send us a message or email us at info@birchandbell.com! 



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